You have team building ‘light’ where it is just about taking your team out of their comfort zone. Getting to know each other, away from the workplace in a different context, a looser, ‘different’ environment. But the rule always applies: noses in the same direction.
Getting to know each other through tough training sessions and getting to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, in other words a kind of boot camp, not exactly the approach of Perfect+ by the way. Perfect+ does not believe in concepts that target the weakest link in the chain.
This may include a piece of theory in which one explains how the internal coherence can be improved and techniques are tested. Perfect+ organizes teambuildings in which getting to know each other better is paramount and through this different context optimizes internal cooperation.
Teambuilding has a derivative that you can call teamcentives, i.e. a mixture of teambuilding and rewarding, e.g. in the context of retention management. Goal: to spend an incredibly fun day with colleagues with the added value of strengthening the team spirit.